12 Chiropractic Patient Retention Tips Every Practice Should Know

7 Minutes
September 13, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Personalized communication and consistent follow-ups build long-term patient relationships that keep them coming back.
  • Online scheduling removes barriers, making it easier for patients to book appointments and enhancing their overall experience.
  • Regularly gathering and showcasing patient feedback improves services and attracts new patients through positive social proof.
  • Small gestures like recognizing birthdays or anniversaries can strengthen patient loyalty and make them feel valued.
  • ChiroSpring’s Automated Patient Recall ensures no patient is forgotten, reminding them to book their next appointment and keeping your schedule full.

The Best Ways to Bring Patients Back and Boost Chiropractic Revenue

For chiropractors, patient retention can be just as challenging as attracting new patients. But if you’ve been putting all your energy into the latter, think again.  

Here’s why chiropractic patient retention is so important:

  • Just a 2% increase in patient retention rate can lower costs by 10%, since you reduce your marketing and onboarding costs.
  • Long-term patients are more likely to invest in additional services and treatments.
  • Patients who return regularly are more likely to refer friends and family, further boosting your practice’s growth.

Engaging the patients you already have can boost your bottom line significantly. Here are the best strategies to strengthen patient loyalty and encourage patients to choose your practice for the long term.  

How to Improve Patient Retention

1. Personalized Communication  

Personalized communication can make a world of difference in patient retention. Make your patients feel special by personalizing your communication. Use their names, remember their favorite treatment, and send them content that speaks directly to their needs.  

In ChiroSpring’s GrowthHub, you can customize emails and messages with each patient’s name and specific treatment details. Plus, it allows you to segment your patient list based on treatment history and preferences. This allows you to send tailored content for each patient.

2. Consistent Follow-Ups

One of the most common reasons for appointment no-shows is that patients simply forget. ChiroSpring’s automated Patient Reminders helps you keep your practice top-of-mind with timely follow-up reminders. It automates the reminder process, sending personalized texts or emails at designated intervals to ensure your patients never miss an appointment.  

ChiroSpring's automated Patient Reminders dashboard displays reminder customization.
Customize and automate ChiroSpring’s Patient Reminders.

3. Educate Your Patients

Whether it’s sharing the latest in chiropractic care or offering wellness tips, educating your patients maintains their engagement. ChiroSpring makes it easy to send regular updates and educational content through its communication tools.  

With GrowthHub, you can automate and personalize messages. That way, your patients only receive information that’s relevant to their treatment plans and overall well-being. By providing continuous education, you reinforce the value of your services and keep patients involved in their own care.

4. Create a Welcoming Environment

A friendly, professional environment, like a comfortable waiting room, is key to retaining patients.

Training your staff to be courteous and engaging ensures every patient feels comfortable from the moment they walk in.

You can also use automated tools like ChiroSpring to streamline administrative tasks. It gives your team more time to focus on patients.

Additionally, maintaining a clean, inviting clinic with personal touches leaves a lasting impression that encourages patients to return.

5. Utilize Patient Feedback

It’s important to regularly check in with your patients to see how you’re doing. With GrowthHub, you can easily request and track reviews, keeping you connected to your patients’ needs. Regularly gathering feedback helps you address concerns before they escalate, boosting patient satisfaction and reinforcing loyalty.

Not to mention, you can then showcase your 5-star reviews and testimonials on your website and social media channels. These positive reviews act as social proof, building trust with potential new patients while reassuring your existing ones. Highlighting success stories and the positive experiences of your loyal patients can significantly influence patient decisions.

6. Offer Exclusive Deals with ChiroSpring Memberships

Who doesn’t love a good deal? ChiroSpring Memberships allows you to offer tailored, subscription-based packages. Memberships offer financial flexibility, making it easier for patients to commit to regular care without the hassle of insurance. Plus, with tiered membership options, you’ll incentivize them to stay with your practice long-term.

ChiroSpring subscription-based memberships offer financial flexibility, helping with chiropractic patient retention.
ChiroSpring Memberships converts new patients into long-term customers.

7. Host Educational Workshops

Why not turn your expertise into a community event? Hosting educational workshops or webinars lets you connect with both new and existing patients in a meaningful way.

Whether you’re sharing wellness tips or explaining the benefits of chiropractic care, workshops allow you to showcase your knowledge. Plus, they’re a great way to build trust and loyalty with your patients while positioning your practice as a go-to resource.

8. Implement Online Scheduling

In today’s on-demand world, patients expect convenience.

ChiroSpring’s Online Scheduling makes it easy for them to schedule appointments whenever it suits them. It removes the hassle of phone calls and back-and-forth scheduling, improving the overall patient experience.

When appointment scheduling is straightforward, patients are more inclined to stick with you.

9. Stay Connected

Regular communication keeps you top-of-mind for your patients. With tools like GrowthHub, you can easily share updates, whether it’s through a quick newsletter, a social media post, or other channels. Consistent outreach creates a sense of community, helping your patients feel more connected to your practice.

10. Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate the little things! Whether it’s a birthday or an anniversary, a small gesture can go a long way in building loyalty. With ChiroSpring, you can set reminders and automate personalized messages for these occasions, ensuring no important date is missed.

11. Offer Flexible Payment Options

Providing flexible payment options can ease financial stress for your patients, making it easier for them to continue their treatment plans. ChiroSpring Pay can help you manage various payment plans, accept multiple insurance providers, and ensure transparent pricing. By reducing financial barriers, you make your practice more accessible and supportive, which helps keep your patients engaged over the long term.

12. Introducing ChiroSpring’s Automated Patient Recall

Finally, one of the best ways you can ensure patient loyalty is with ChiroSpring’s latest feature: Automated Patient Recall. This feature takes the guesswork out of maintaining patient relationships by automatically reminding patients to book their next appointment. Whether it’s a simple check-in or a more personalized message, Automated Patient Recall ensures that no patient slips through the cracks.

ChiroSpring's Automated Patient Recall reminds patients to book their next appointment, boosting chiropractic patient retention.
ChiroSpring’s Automated Patient Recall automatically reminds patients to book their next appointment.

With SMS reminders, you can gently nudge patients who haven’t been in for a while, encouraging them to return for care. Plus, it’s all automated, saving your team time and ensuring consistent outreach without lifting a finger. It keeps your schedule full while making patients more likely to stay loyal and recommend your practice to others.

Build Lasting Patient Relationships with ChiroSpring

Your existing patients are the lifeblood of your practice—they’re the ones who return, refer others, and trust you with their ongoing care. Engaging these loyal patients through personalized communication, consistent follow-ups, and thoughtful gestures like celebrating milestones can significantly boost your retention rates.

ChiroSpring’s tools—like Automated Patient Recall—ensure that no patient is forgotten. From sending timely reminders to automating personalized messages, you can maintain strong patient relationships without adding to your team’s workload.

Ready to strengthen patient loyalty? Schedule your demo today to see how ChiroSpring can help.

Chiropractic Patient Retention FAQs

What is patient retention, and why is it crucial for a chiropractic practice?

Patient retention refers to your ability to keep existing patients coming back for ongoing care. It’s important because higher patient retention rates mean reduced marketing costs, consistent revenue, and a loyal patient base that can drive referrals.

How does patient retention affect my practice’s long-term success?

Retaining patients strengthens your practice’s stability by ensuring a steady flow of income and building a strong community presence. Loyal patients are more likely to refer others, which helps sustain and grow your practice over time.

What strategies can I implement to increase patient retention in my chiropractic practice?

Strategies include personalized communication, consistent follow-ups, patient education, and celebrating milestones. Additionally, offering flexible payment options and ensuring convenient scheduling can help improve retention.

What financial incentives or deals can help retain patients?

Offering membership packages, discounts for regular visits, or flexible payment plans can make it easier for patients to commit to ongoing care, thereby reducing financial barriers and encouraging long-term loyalty.

How does ChiroSpring support patient retention in chiropractic practices?

ChiroSpring offers integrated tools like Automated Patient Recall, personalized communication options, and flexible payment solutions, all designed to keep patients engaged and ensure they continue to choose your practice for their care.

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Marbouh, D., Khaleel, I., Al Shanqiti, K., Al Tamimi, M., Simsekler, M. C. E., Ellahham, S., Alibazoglu, D., & Alibazoglu, H. (2020). Evaluating the impact of patient no-shows on service quality. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 13(13), 509–517. https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S232114

Nighbor, C. (2020, August 13). How to give back to the community. Chiropractic Economics. https://www.chiroeco.com/how-to-give-back-to-the-community/

Rawney Rico, A., & Kraus, E. (2023, July 3). 40+ Branding Statistics Every Small Business Should Know. Fit Small Business. https://fitsmallbusiness.com/branding-statistics/

Subscriptions: The Modern Revenue Model for Chiropractors. (2024, January 4). ChiroSpring. https://www.chirospring.com/articles/subscriptions-the-modern-revenue-model-for-chiropractors

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