Welcome to All-in-One Chiropractic Practice Management

The Dilemma at Hand: Chiropractic Management
Most chiropractors are using outdated software, sold on the idea of them “owning” it.
Imagine relying on Netscape from 1999 to run your business—you’d lose the ability to adapt to modern business and technologies.
Software can be labeled for chiropractors, but this is often a marketing tactic. You end up being pitched something that isn’t made for you or the way you work. Don’t get caught in the trap. This is one of, if not the leading, reason that chiropractors must string solutions together in hopes that everything will work.
We heard from many customers that with the sunsetting of Flash, many chiropractors were down for hours and some for even days. To fix the problem, they had to scramble through a twenty-one-page manual. But last we checked, they were chiropractors, not IT pros. This is the problem with outdated software. You shouldn’t have to worry about being aware of technology updates just to run your business.
You Can’t “Own” Software
Companies pitch the idea of owning software in a bid to scare people from subscription-based models. But “owning” software just means that it will never change because it uses old server-based technology. This is undesirable; since the practice is dynamic, you will have to make adjustments occasionally to ensure that you can deliver the best patient care possible.
You might be lucky to get an old server-based model at a low price initially. But in the long run, it will cost you more to run and maintain that model. You’ll have to pay someone with IT skills to make updates or fix issues. Since you’re dealing with outdated tech, it’s also easy for things to break, which can take down your business for hours or days.
Meet ChiroSpring: All-in-One Practice Management for Chiropractors
We listened to the complaints of chiropractors and studied the competition. That’s how we made an all-in-one solution for chiropractors. Chiropractors have too long relied on EHR systems that don’t necessarily meet their expectations. For instance, the poor design of some of these systems makes it cumbersome for the chiropractor to interact face-to-face with their patients. There is also the issue of the chiropractor having to spend so much of their time documenting information.
Navigating through poor interfaces and complex menus is time-consuming. A chiropractor ends up spending more time on these systems instead of attending to patients. EHR systems also rarely support team-based care. Chiropractors often perform tasks that other members of the organization should be able to complete. The systems don’t maximize every person’s productivity in the office.
All these difficulties prompted the development of an all-in-one chiropractic management software by chiropractors who understand the hurdles in the practice. CHIROSPRING provides practical solutions to the challenges associated with old software models.
Features That Make Chiropractors Work Smarter, Not Harder
The current generation of practice software has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. It also has built-in features that address the challenges of relying on outdated software.
1. Cloud-Based
The software doesn’t rely on servers to store its data, as is the case with older models. Servers can be unreliable because they are susceptible to damage, increasing the chances of losing your data completely. Additionally, maintaining a server for the entire practice is a costly affair. Cloud-based storage is a cheaper and safer alternative for modern software and comes with various benefits.
- You can perform your tasks from anywhere. Even if you don’t finish everything by the end of the day, you can catch up from the comfort of your couch, so there are no more late nights in the office.
- You can access information and manage patients from multiple practices in one place.
- You don’t have to worry about system compatibility issues.
- You won’t have to hire an IT person to fix an issue or update your software.
2. Automatic Data Backup
If you have an old system in place, then you know the anxiety regarding the safety of your data. Anything can happen to the servers at any time, and you could lose all your patients’ information. An all-in-one chiropractic management software automatically backs up all your data. The backup then saves the data in the cloud, so you don’t have to worry about losing critical information.
3. Fast, Audit-Proof SOAP Notes
From the moment of intake, a narrative is created, starting with patient input. You can have 80% of your SOAP notes done before you make final adjustments. You can then customize the SOAP notes by arranging the macros, removing tabs, and singling out diagnoses to fit the experience that you want.
Get ChiroSpring as your All-In-One Chiropractic Management Software
Avoid the trouble associated with using outdated software in your practice by going for ChiroSpring’s software. Enjoy more time with your patients with this modern, all-in-one practice software in place. It has all the necessary features to simplify processes in the practice and boost productivity. Our team of experts is on standby to resolve any issues or provide further assistance in case you need it, at no cost at all. Contact us today for a one-stop solution.
ChiroSpring is an all-in-one practice management and EHR system built specifically for chiropractors to help them regain face-time with patients, spend less time on back-office tasks, maintain a limited staff, and save operational costs.
To see how ChiroSpring can help you simplify how you manage your practice, reach out to one of our specialists today!